Thursday, September 6, 2007

Camping and Guarantees

Some questions from a member of the block:

1. Do grads have to camp for these tickets? Or do we get them as part of the deal last year after the hike in the AA fees that grads were not willing to approve but got approved anyways?

2. How can we ensure that we will get UGA tickets? Last time I saw
about 10 people willing to camp.

You, yourself, don't have to camp for tickets. That's one of the advantages you get by signing up for our block. Someone in our organizing committee is going to take our batch of vouchers to the ticket office and camp for you for every game. Even for the Samford game, our guys went to the office at 5:30am to wait in line before the office opened at 9:00am, just in case there was something broken in the ticket policy.

I can't tell you anything about the AA fees or changes to the rules, but the policy now is to have a separate line at the ticket office for graduate students and a reserved allotment of tickets for graduate students for every game. Moreover, if that allotment runs out before all the other tickets run out, the students at the window are supposed to start giving graduate students tickets from the undergraduate allotment. That gives graduate students a big advantage over undergraduate students even if they aren't in our block. Now, there was supposed to be a separate line for claiming vouchers too, but that wasn't the case, so we're still a little nervous ourselves.

Gail is very worried about graduate students being overlooked, and she's called the ticket-office managers several times to confirm the details of their policy. I'm sure she'll send our guys to camp for the Georgia game. Incidentally, the tricky rules for tickets were the chief motivation for Gail to create this block for graduate students in our department in the first place. Most students didn't know what to do.

If you want to take matters into your own hands at anytime you are welcome to collect your remaining vouchers from Gail. They're yours after all, but I think everyone has a big advantage in being a graduate student and a big advantage in being in our group, despite the lack of a guarantee.

If anyone is capable of comparing this year's ticket policy with last year's policy, especially in how they treat graduate students, please leave a comment here.

First Round of Leftovers

Pam says she has more than sixty tickets left for the Samford game. Therefore, if you couldn't make it to her office today, you can probably still get a ticket tomorrow. It's just that you're no longer guaranteed your ticket.

If you want an extra it looks like you'll be able to get one pretty easily.

If you submitted your vouchers late for this game, we told you that we couldn't submit your voucher and you're not guaranteed a ticket. However, since there are extras, you should still be able to go.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Round of Ticket Distribution

Tickets for the Samford game are now available for you in Pam Halverson's office, which is Klaus 2350a. We'll hold tickets for you until the end of the day (4:00pm) on Thursday. Starting Friday we'll try to get rid of the extras by making them available for people in our group who want extras.

Bring your ID!